The USB Function Controller is a flexible solution to add USB functionality to virtually any application. It includes all functionality required to implement a USB bus interface within a single FPGA or ASIC device with only an external USB Transceiver required. Up to four Endpoints are supported, each of them easily attachable to standard micro controller busses.
- fully Compliant to USB 1.1 specification
- Full-Speed (12Mbps) operation
- support for 4 endpoints, including up to 3 user-configurable Endpoints
- supports Bulk, Interrupt, or Isochronous data transfers
- hardwired USB protocol layer
- no firmware intervention required
- up to 10Mbps net bandwidth
- very compact design
- on-chip digital PLL
- on-chip Endpoint-FIFOs
- minimum gate count
- optimized for FPGA implementation
- lowest possible design risk
- free behavioral model
- comprehensive reference application
- USB Packet-oriented test bench
- synthesizable VHDL model
- very low cost
The core was successfully synthesized with the following tools: Synopsys FPGA Express, Xilinx XST, Mentor Leonardo Spectrum. Resource usage depends on the endpoint configuration and size of the endpoint FIFOs. This is a summary of the required resources for a minimal HID design:
- 4 input LUTs: 337
- 3 input LUTs: 52
- CLB Flip Flops: 203
- 16×1 RAMs: 8
- gate count: about 4k
The USB core was verified on different levels:
- sub-module verification of critical entities, e.g. clock PLL
- simulation of critical USB packet sequences
- simulation of full USB device enumeration
- real-life debugging with USB protocol analyzer
- real-life test with reference applications
The following reference designs have been implemented:
- HID reference design
- flash programming application for FPGA development board
- USB to CompactFlash adapter